
How to build a local business for business owners

Assess viability with your Content Management System (CMS)
Each CMS platform works differently and some may not be user-friendly for business owners. It is highly advisable to do an intensive research on your preferred CMS platform to ensure that all your sketches and web design ideas are compatible.

Choose the right font size
The base font size of a content article is 14px but this can be adjusted depending on your target audience. For example, if your business website caters to the middle-aged group, then you can make the font size of your text bigger so that it will be easier for your audience to read your articles and navigate your site.

Evaluate your website goals
Your web design should be in line with your website goals and target audience. For example, if you are looking to promote your products, then captivating photos of the products should be strategically placed where the website visitor can readily see them. Generally, your web design and layout must be accessible, easy to navigate and relevant to your audience.

Ask for feedback
Conduct a pilot test of your web design works with your target audience. Take note of their feedback and analyze the feasibility of the proposed changes as well as their impact to your website goals. Once you have a rundown of the items to change, prioritize the major fixes then proceed with the minor ones.

Consult a freelance website designer 
Contact a designer with skills in web design Auckland. A WordPress developer with experience in custom website development can provide useful information that you can use to gain leverage for your local business website. Depending on the scope of consultation, a freelancer can ask for a small fee for consultation charges.